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Chrystl Rijkeboer.
Velsen, The Netherlands, 1959.
Education: From 1994-1998 at 'Willem de Kooning Academie', Rotterdam.
Graduated in 1998 Visual Arts 3D.
Lives and works in Haarlem, the Netherlands.

Hairworks by Chrystl Rijkeboer. 

Hair and Identity are inextricably bound up with each other.

Since 1998 Chrystl Rijkeboer has been using human hair as a working material. Out of curiosity and by experimenting with unorthodox materials she came across this medium. Responses from viewers made her aware of the impact of hair and the emotional charge it contributes to her work. From this the two major themes of work 'Memory and Identity' arose.

'Hair' contains memories. Everyone knows the lock of hair kept in a medallion or a braid that is kept in an envelope for years lying in a drawer, memories of our childhood or a lost love. They keep the past tangible. Everything perishes except for our hair. By a lock of hair you can literally touch the past.

Our hairstyles emphasize our identity. They can say a lot about ‘who’ we are, and show our age and health. Prescribed hairstyles or covering of hair can be a religious statement. With our hair we show to which ‘group’ we belong or want to belong.

Rijkeboer works mostly thematically and uses recurring elements including human- and girl figures, birdhouses, ladders, masks, birds and wolves. These are recognizable images which illustrate stories about family ties, the living environment and personal experiences.The work is figurative, but form and proportions are subordinated. What matters are the sensations evoked. You can always view the work in two ways: kind, pleasant and innocent. But also the opposite: frightening, condemning and guilty. This ambiguity repeats itself in all her artworks.

Chrystl Rijkeboer uses many craft-based techniques with hair. First she started to felt it, and later she spun it into threads, from which she crochets or knits her sculptures. She also combines ceramics with hair. Besides the 3 dimensional objects she often translates her sculptures and installations into photographs and video works.

Ceramic sculptures by Chrystl Rijkeboer. 

My ceramic sculptures are 'souvenirs' of the present time.

You can compare my ceramic sculptures with 'street photography', they are impressions of everyday figures in everyday circumstances. In terms of style, they sometimes refer to the porcelain figurines from the Meissen collections; romantic sculptures about ordinary people from daily street life, which were very popular collector's items in the 18th and 19th centuries. The similarities with these works are mainly in the everyday situation, the figurative execution, the high-gloss glaze and the precise details. In terms of subject and execution, my images belong entirely to this time, because they arise directly from observation. They have a somewhat ‘comic’ character, with the necessary dose of self-mockery. I consciously expand certain aspects, make them smaller or leave it out. Many images get animal heads or masks, so that their essence and absurdism becomes even clearer.

Chrystl Rijkeboer is a visual artist who lives and works in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Her art includes sculpture, photography and video projects. In 1998 she graduated from the Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Since then her work has been shown in Europe, the United States and Canada in more than 70 group shows and 20 solo exhibitions. Work has been featured in several magazines including: +ING (Japan), Sleek Magazine (Germany), Trendsetter (Turkey) and Textiel Plus (The Netherlands).

Group Exhibitions
'Laat liefde regeren. 35 Years of Dolly Bellefleur'. Verwey Museum, Haarlem.
'CHAOS + o r d e - n i n g'. de Vishal, Haarlem.
'50 year ArtZaanstad'. Art Zaanstad.
'Beestenboel'. Art Zaanstad.
'The blue of longing'., de Vishal, Haarlem.
'Gezelschap voor in huis’., Kunst Centrum Haarlem .
'Stilte’, de Vishal, Haarlem.
'Made in Dolland' Art Zaanstad.
'Amuse' Galery Wilms at Art Amsterdam.
'Dwaalwegen’, de Vishal, Haarlem.
'Amuse' Galery Wilms at Art Amsterdam.
'Rosebud’, de Vishal, Haarlem.
'KLEI in Beweging’, Huis73, Den Haag.
'Geen bloem zonder wortel’, Quartair, Den Haag.
'HaHa’, Galerie kunststukken 101, Den Haag.
'100% Female’, Grote Kerk, Alkmaar.
‘KunstOer’, Locatie 'Vardink', Winterswijk.
‘Dubbelspel’,Kunsten Centrum, Haarlem.
'GlasrijkTubbergen’, Het oude atelier, Tubbergen.
‘Het Witte Gordijn’, De Vishal, Haarlem.
‘Kunstschouw 25 jaar’, Stadhuismuseum Zierikzee , Zierikzee.
‘LedententoonstellingVishal’, De Vishal, Haarlem.
‘Genseloos Kunstverkennen’, Kerkje IJhorst, De Wijk/IJhorst.
‘Duizend bommen en granaten’, Kunsthal 45, Den Helder.
‘De koe in de kunst’, Gorcums Museum, Gorinchem.
‘Dreefexpositie’, Provinciehuis ‘Paviljoen Welgelegen’, Haarlem.
‘Avatar & Spirits’, Kunstvitrine AMC, Amsterdam.
Global Village 2016, Zaandam-the Netherlands, Paratissima Skopje-Macedonie,
Landshut-Germany, Brondby Strand-Denmark.
Above & Beyond_Drenths Museum, Assen.
DRAAD, ACEC Apeldoorn.
HAAR! Menselijk haar in mode en kunst. Centraal Museum Utrecht.
Breien, Fries Museum Leeuwarden.
Breien!, Fries Museum Leeuwarden.
KunstOer, Winterswijk.
Assembly, Graz, Austria.
Under the Skin, TextielMuseum, Tilburg.
15 jaar HelpUZelven, Gallery HelpUZelven Winterswijk.
Luchtkastelen, Kasteel Sypestijn, Loosdrecht.
KnockKnock, Venlo.
Kunstzappen, Kunstenlab, Deventer.
De Plek, Sidac Studio, Leiden.
Multi Solo 'Wild Thing', Tetem kunstruimte, Enschede.
Het landschap in mijn hoofd, Stichting Open Stal, Olderbekoop. (cat)
Hair in Art, Ludwiggalerie Schloss Oberhausen, De. (cat)
Diep in het Bos, Gemeente Archief, Haarlem. (dat)
Huid & Haar, Gallery Contemporary Matters, Haarlem.
De Vishal & ArtUnit & Choc Studio Interieur, Haarlem
Parksessies, Haarlemmerhout, Haarlem.
Dromen, Galerie de Etage, Gorichem.
Textiel Verbindt, Galerie Help U Zelven, Winterswijk.
5HoekKunst, Haarlem.
Super- mARkT, artKitchen ART-Amsterdam 2011.
Read between the lines, Galerie Blaak10, Rotterdam.
Zomerexpositie, Galerie de Etage, Gorichem.
Nieuwe Kleren, Pand Paulus, Schiedam.
Herinnering & Verlangen, Vishal, Haarlem.
Show me your Hair, Coreana Museum of Art, Space*C Seoul, Korea. (cat.)
Kunstmoment Diepenheim, Diepenheim.
Hautnah, Galerieverein Leonberg E.V., Germany. (cat.)
Van Hem naar Haar...20 jaar Dolly Bellefleur, Els Hillenius Haarlem.
Zwervende Tentoonstelling#15, Zocherpark, Rotterdam.
Spiegel van de tijd, Vishal Haarlem.
Buttons & Imago: Badges to Fashion, Schielandhuis Rotterdam.
10th Hawaii Shoebox, University of Hawaii Art Gallery, Hawaii. (cat.)
Knitted Worlds, Audax Textiel Museum, Tilburg. (cat.)
Oranda-e (met Hollandse ogen), Galerie Kunstcentrum Haagweg 4, Leiden.
Hautnah, Museum 'Villa Rot', Germany. (cat.)
Home sweet Home, ArtUnit, Haarlem. (dual)
Traces of Being, Lichtfabriek, Haarlem.
Rooodkapje, Beyond Utrecht.
Wonderwall, Winston hotel, Amsterdam.
Tijd slijt ‘R’s Escape, Ruïne Brederode, Santpoort .
KunstKörperlich KörperKünstlich#2, Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche Osnabrück, Germany. cat.)
Home made, ArtUnit, Haarlem. (dual)
Milan furniture Fair 2007, Le Centre Culturel Français, Milan, Italy.
Als man en vrouw schiep hij hen, Grote St. Laurenskerk Alkmaar.
Kleine Vishal gaat GROOTII, Vishal Haarlem.
Kunstmaand Ameland, Gemeentehuis Ballum, Ameland. (cat.)
ID, Nova gallery, Eindhoven. (dual)
Wundersame Freizeitobsessionen, LL Gallery, Hamburg, Germany.
Twisted, Here gallery, Bristol, UK.
5e Biennale Internationale Design, Saint-Etienne, France. (cat.)
Eine Frage (nach) der Geste, Leipzig Opera House, Germany. (cat.)
De Mensch, de Vishal Haarlem.
HAIRS, Le Centre D’Exposition L’imagier Quebec, Canada.
Kloone4000, Projectruimte Retort Amsterdam. (cat.)
Buitenwereld, Vishal, gastconcervator Bas Heyne, Haarlem.
10 jaar Vishal, Vishal Haarlem. (cat.)
RoodRoodRoodkapje, Villa Zebra Rotterdam.
Pa’s meubelshow ‘het Pronkstuk’, de Fietsznfabriek, Haarlem.
Mo(Nu)ment@Bornem, de Notelaer Bornem, Belgium.
Digital.movement.04, Weilworks, Denver, USA.
Het stilleven van de 21ste eeuw, Vishal, Haarlem.
The 8th. International Shoebox Sculpture Exhibition, University of Hawaii Art Gallery, Honolulu, Hawaii, traveling through Asia from 2003 - 2005 (cat.)
Exposeren onder de Zwarte Madonna, The Hague.
Arte a la Carte, Expoline, Scherpenzeel.
Pa’s meubelshow, de Fietsznfabriek, Haarlem.
Over Grenzen, Arti et Industriae, The Hague.
The 3rd Annual summer Groupshow, Andenken Gallery, Denver, USA.
Kunstlijn, Haarlem.
Ledententoonstelling, Arti et Industriae, The Hague.
Pa’s meubelshow, ‘Huisaltaar’, de Fietsznfabriek, Haarlem.
(He)art for Africa IV, Haarlem.
Hortus Ludi ‘Tot nut en genoegen’, Cultuur Rotterdam 2001.
Mannen met Baarden, het Huis van Alijn, Gent, Belgium.
Kunstlijn, Haarlem.
Kunstaankopen, gemeente Haarlem.
Pa’s meubelshow ‘de Tafel’, de Fietsznfabriek, Haarlem.
Summer 2000, Galeria D’Art Zero, Barcelona, Spain.
Kunstlijn, Haarlem.
Aan den lijve, Oude Slot, Heemstede.
Pa’s meubelshow ‘de Stoel’, de Fietsznfabriek, Haarlem.
Nieuwe Lichting, Arti et Industriae, The Hague.
115 jaar Arti, Arti et Industriae, The Hague.
Oud en Nieuw, Arti et Industriae, The Hague.
Eurochocolate-festival, Amsterdam.
Kunstlijn, Oude Slot, Heemstede.
Vergankelijkheid, Collectief Apus, Museumpark Rotterdam.

Solo Exhibitions
'The Journey',‘Openstal - Pand Bouma', Olderbekoop, Friesland.
‘Kunstschouw Zeeland, Kerkje Noordwelle, Zeeland.
‘Trophy’, 'Kleinste Galerietje', de Hallen, Amsterdam.
‘Avatars & Spirits’, Kunst etalage Almere Buiten.
‘Kunstlijn’, Gravenzaal-CityHall, Haarlem.
SuperHeroes, Engelmunduskerk, Velsen Zuid.
Dinah, Inkijk: Metrostation Wibautstraat, Amsterdam.
Spirits & Trophies, Foyer, Philharmonie, Haarlem.
Old sins cast long shadows, StadsKunstkamer, Cityhall Haarlem.
Spirits & Trophies, De Schierstins, Veenwouden.
Change, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede.
Roodkapje & Avatar, Art-Land, Nibbixwoud.
Roodkapje, ArtUnit, Haarlem.
Roodkapje, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, Enschede.
Er was er eens, Galerie 'Help U Zelven', Winterswijk.
Men-scape, ArtUnit, Haarlem.
Don't fence me in, Kleine Vishal, Haarlem.
R's Escape & Here comes Dolly, Openbare Bibliotheek Amsterdam.
Kunst op kantoor, Gemeentehuis afd. Kunst&Cultuur, Haarlem.
Grey man resting, Kleine Vishal, Haarlem.
Time to Display, Twins & Sisters, Haarlem.
22th Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, de Melkweg Amsterdam.
Stolen Identity, KREK, Alkmaar.
Avatars, Theater festival Karavaan, Alkmaar.
Stolen Identity, Offthemapgallery, Toronto, Canada.
19th Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, de Melkweg Amsterdam.
18th Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, de Balie, Amsterdam.
Volksuniversiteit, Haarlem.
10X Het Nieuwe Werk, EJOK, Rotterdam.
On-schuld installatie, Haarlem.
Gouda’s kaarsenfabriek, Waddinxveen.

Publications & interviews
Haarlem Today', interview, January 2025.
CAPITEL', Magazine by Universidad Humanitas in Mexico, 34rd edition, October 2023.
HRLM Glossy', interview, October 2023.
TV Noord Holland 'Culture Club', interview, 2022.
Article in The Haarlems Dagblad about the Art-weekend in Haarlem by Jaap Timmers, November 8th 2021.
Publication 'Trendbook 23+'. TRENDVISION JEWELLERY FORECASTING @trendvisionforecasting’ #issue20, Edition 2021
French Newsweek Society ‘Extravaganza’, interview by Julien Langendorff , Edition No. 2021
Haarlems Dagblad, interview by Jaap Timmers, dd May 26' , 2021
Colossal Chicago, interview by Grace Ebert' , 2021.
KleineK, interview 'Verlichting in Klei' , Edition No.53, 2019.
Pandora, interview 'Beelden met menselijk haar' , Edition No.6, 2016.
Etalagegalerie Inkijk* (1999-2017), Catalogue Stichting Polderlicht, 2016.
Global Village, Catalogue St.White Cube, 2016.
'Above & Beyond', Cataloque Drents Museum & Danielle Kwaaitaal, 2016.
'Breien', Catalogue Fries Museum 2016.
TextielPlus, 'Het atelier van...', No.235, Spring2016.
Lowdown Magazine, interview 'Let down your Hair', Edition August/September. 2015
Under the Skin, TextielMuseum/TextielLab, catalogue by Caroline Boot. 2015
Women Framing Hair, Serial Strategies in Contemporary Art, by Heather Hanna.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing (ISBN 978-1-4438-7607-0)
Diep in het Bos, Noord Hollands Archief, catalogue by St.Polyvista, Kunstlijn and NH. Archief. 2014
Kunst katern 'Leeuwarder Courant', interview and article by Grytsje Klijnstra. June 28, 2014
Kunstruimte Tetem, Roombeek Cultuurpark laat de zintuigen zinderen, Dora Brandt, de Roskam 2013.
HAIR! Das Haar in der Kunst Dr. Christine Vogt, LUDWIGGALERIE Schloss Oberhausen (ISBN 978-3-86678-862-6) Kerber 2013.
Textielleeft, Ellen Bakker (ISBN 978-90-818476-3-6) 2012.
‘Interventions and Manipulations in the Maternal’, a visual essay at by Heather Hanna, 2012.
‘Show me your Hair’, catalogus Coreana Museum of Art, Korea, 2011.
‘Isme?’, afstudeerscriptie Leonie Goedemans, Nederland, 2011.
Textiel Plus, Nr. 210 (ISSN 0927-7560), 2009.
Hautnah, catalogus #03/09 (ISBN 978-3-9333614-53-7) Villa Rot, 2009.
10th Hawaii Shoebox, University of Hawaii Art Gallery, catalogus 2009-2011.
Knitted Worlds, calalogus Audax Textiel Museum (ISBN 978-90-70962-44-9), 2009.
KunstKörperlich-KörperKünstlich part 2, catalogus (ISBN 978-89946-118-3), 2008.
Kunstmaand Ameland, kunst agenda 2008.
Tv Noord Holland, interview, 2007.
Radio Noord Holland, interview, 2007.
Code, Life & Artstyle magazine(no.5), 2007.
Eine Frage (nach) der Geste, catalogus (ISBN 978-3-901756-91-7), 2006.
Le Livre, catalogus Biennale Internationale Design 2006.
Trendsetter, publicatie No.52, 2006.
Sleek Magazine, publicatie No.11, 2006.
Kloone4000, catalogus 2005.
Textiel Plus, no.194 publicatie 2005.
TV interview, Rogers Television, Daytime television Ottawa, 2005.
Hair Today, afstudeer scriptie Gabriëlla Valentini, UK, 2005.
De Mensch, afstudeer scriptie Julia schuit, Ireland, 2005.
10 jaar Vishal, catalogus 2004.
The 8th. International Shoebox, University of Hawaii Art Gallery catalogus 2003- 2005.
+ING, Japan, publicatie No. 06, 2003.
Agenda van het Verlangen, publicatie agenda1999.

Workshops, Lectures & Workingperiode:
Pieter Zeeman Collega, Zierikzee, Workshop 'Avatars & Mask' making, 2017
Het BuitenHuis, Almere, Workshop 'Avatars & Mask' making, 2017
Callosa D’en Sarría Spain, Artist in Residence by Foundation Knecht-Drenth, 2013.
Hair today Art tomorrow, Lezing aan de School of Art, Ottawa, Canada, 2005.
Workshop ‘Mannen met Baarden’, het Huis van Alijn, Gent, België 2001.

• Founder and owner ‘', Haarlem since 2012. (
• Founder and curator ‘ArtUnit', Haarlem since 2003. (
• Working member art society ‘de Vishal’, Haarlem since 2000. (
• Working member art society 'Arti et Industriae', The Hague. from 1999-2002.

Private collections in the Netherlands, France, Germany, UK, Switzerland, Canada and the United States.