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Ceramic cuddly toy project.

Memories of our youth. What's more emotional than our own cuddly toy. It gave us 'joy', 'love', 'consolation' and 'happiness'. The world was too small when it was lost or forgotten somewhere. I started a ceramic cuddly toy project. The older the better! For 400 euro I'll copy your personal toy in ceramics.

Please tell me who I am.

Sculpture made for the exhibition 'CHAOS + o r d e - n i n g' at the Vishal in Haarlem. Show will run from October 19 until November 24.

Pink Mask, front & back.

The Mask can hang or stand.

I always see you & I always hear you.

From the series Mothers, ‘Mater’, ‘Moms’, Bambay’ and ‘Mem’.

From the series Mothers, ‘Mewet’, ‘Ma’, ‘Ama’ and ‘Mor’.

From the series Mothers, ‘Mutti, ‘Madre’, ‘Mère’ and ‘Eji’.

Mothers, my symbol for 'nourishment, trust and safety'. Something that is no longer self-evident in many places in the world these days. Wars and starvation are spreading across our world. Mothers are powerless against these future-destroying forces, only their unconditional motherly love is what they have to offer.
All animals are named purely based on personal association about their country of origin or simply on feeling.
Height all sculptures ±40 cm.

Tijdgeesten / Zeitgeists.

De Dwalers / The Wanderers.

Interview in City glossy HRLM.

Interview by Meta van der Meijden, photography by Christhilde Klein.

To be or not!

'To be or not!' Made for the exhibition 'The Blue of Longing' at the Vishal in Haarlem.

‘The Journey’

My installation 'The Journey', filmed on location in Olderbekoop.

‘The Journey’, at ‘Open Stal’.

'The Journey' is on show at Artfestival 'Open Stal' in Oldeberkoop. Daily open from July 29 until August 27.

Wagon No.1

Ornament for the first wagon installation ‘the Journey’

Artist talk ArtZaanstad.

Preview installation ‘The journey’

This project is about the times we live in now and our hedonistic way of life. We have serious problems with: CO2 excess, global warming, rising oceans, melting polar caps, pandemics, fake news, conspiracy theories and dictators turning the world upside down.
We all see it happen but try like an ostrich to 'bury our head in the sand'. We refuse to look at our role as co-producer and consumer. All of these factors lead us to “The journey to the rim of the volcano.”

‘Beestenboel’ at ArtZaanstad.

April 22 until June 11 at ArtZaanstad, Hembrugterrein, Zaanstad.

‘Companionship for the home’ at Art Center Haarlem.

The exhibition 'Companionship for the home' at the Art Center Haarlem, at Gedempte Oude Gracht 117-121 Haarlem. A ceramics exhibition from November 24, 2022 until January 14, 2023. Participating artists: Jurrijn Huffenreuter, Nastia Calaca, Liesbet Milort and me. Supplemented with art from the lending collection.

Interview TV North Holland, Culture Club

Human hair and grandma's porcelain, Chrystl makes art out of everything

Soup tureens with cheerful animal heads, kitschy porcelain figurines with a Big Mac in their hand, the Coronavirus with legs; in the Haarlem studio of Chrystl Rijkeboer it is full of work in progress. Culture Club visited her.

'Party animals' is what Rijkeboer calls her tableware with cheerful animal heads. Just like the porcelain figurines, the idea originated in Corona time. "I needed something cheerful, work where I didn't have to think too much and which looked ‘nice’.”

After the death of her parents, Chrystl suddenly had a lot of new workingmaterial. "Porcelain figurines have always been my 'guilty pleasure'. Ever since I was very little I loved the figurines in my grandmother's closet, but I was only allowed to look at them with my hands behind my back. When I cleared out the house my parents, I came across so many old treasures that I thought: they are mine now and I do what I want with them. Actually I make recycling art."

Not a nice little farmer
Yet the works are not only cheerful and funny. Rijkeboer also has something to say. "Look", she points to a figurine of a Delft blue peasant with an inverted flag as a sash: "I'm going to make pieces of meat and offal, it's also a kind of criticism, like: this is not just a sweet little peasant. Art should be aesthetic, but it should also be abrasive."

human hair
And ‘sanding’ has been doing its job for decades. Before turning to porcelain and pottery, Chrystl made art from human hair. After she had spun the hair that was often sent to her, she knitted or crocheted figures or objects from it. "I understand that it has a dark side. When people saw my work, they often thought it was horse hair. When I told them that I worked with human hair, they were very shocked."

"All my work is about identity, but the hair art has much more impact than the ceramics. I haven't worked with hair for some time now, because it was too gloomy and too labour-intensive, but now I'm ready for a combination. Who knows what the future will bring "

Chrystl's work can be seen this weekend and November 12 and 13 during the Kunstlijn Haarlem in the building below her studio at Smedestraat 9 in Haarlem.

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