Lucky Cat Las Vegas
New ceramic work.
Vishal, Haarlem.
My work 'Sad, sad!
Grensloos Kunst Verkennen
Art route from September 7 until September 24. My work is on show at the church in IJhorst.
Artikel in ‘the Haarlems Dagblad’ about ‘Grensloos Kunst Verkennen’.
Mirror, mirror….Peacock.
KunstSchouw 2017
KunstSchouw 2017, from June 17 until June 25.
My exhibition 'Spirits' and 'Moody People' in the church of Noordwelle, during the annual art event 'Kunstschouw' in Zeeland.
Article about ‘De koe in de kunst van de 17e eeuw tot heden’ at the Gorcums Museum.
‘De Koe in de Kunst’, van de 17e eeuw tot heden.
'Cows in Art', from seventeen hundred until now. At the Gorcums Museum in Gorinchem. On show from April 8 until September 10.
Group show ‘Thousand Bombs and Grenades’ at Kunsthal 45 in den Helder.
On view from March 12 until May 28.
New series of four works titled ‘Mirror,mirror…....’
Koe (Cow)
Trophy at “Kleinste Galerietje” at the Hallen, in Amsterdam.
'Trophy' is on view until March 31th.
Interview Pandora
Pandora No.6, release October 2016.
‘Avatar’ or ‘Old sins cast long shadows’ and ‘Spirits’ in the window-project Almere Buiten.
On view until March1, 2017.
‘Moody Mask’ at the Cityhall of Haarlem
‘AVERECHTS’ at the provincial government building ‘Pavilion Welgelegen’ in Haarlem.
From September 16 until October 28.
‘Avatars’ and ‘Spirits’ at the Academic Medical Centrum (AMC), Amsterdam.
The Masks are on view until October 20
Photo's by Tom Haartsen
New series of Moody People.
‘Breien’ at the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden.
This show opened in Oktober 2015 and will end August 28, 2016.
‘Avatars’ and ‘Spirits’ at the Academic Medical Centrum (AMC), Amsterdam.
On show from July 25 until October 13.
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