Art Amsterdam 2011
ArtKitchen's superARTmarket
Mai 11-15
5Hoekkunst 2011
Mai 13/14/15
I'm a guest artist at Roozenbottel in the Tuchthuisstraat 14. and
This month my two works 'Beyond the Wolf' are in the window of ArtUnit.
Summer exhibition about Art & Fashion
Working on my contribution in the Summer exhibition about Art & Fashion in Schiedam.
‘Black House’ it’s new home.
The work does great in the working room of Evelien. I'm very glad she is the new owner of this work.
‘Fur’ for the Wolfs
'Beyond the Wolf' and 'Working through the Wolf' are fired and glazed, so I will finish the Wolfs with hair.
The first golden ‘Home sweet Home’
I made a few more ceramic 'Home sweet Home' works. And... I managed to glaze some houses in real gold glaze.
Beyond the Wolf of ceramics.
Standing to dry and waiting to be fired; Beyond the Wolf of ceramics. The Wolf will be flocked with hair and the cape will be bright red glazier.
Working on new ceramic work.
Photo shoot ‘Beyond the Wolf”
Today Edwin made these beautiful photo's of my work 'Beyond the Wolf'. This is my choice from the photo shoot.
Pre-view of the Wolf.
Wolf project - 4
Testing shapes for the red hoods or spots.
The wolf is ready. Now I'm testing shapes for the left behind red hoods or spots.
Wolf project
Because of the cold I'm working in my living-room. The wolf is getting in shape nicely. I hope to finish it before Christmas. I have to get started on the red capes soon. Clay has to dry a few weeks before I can fire it. Slowly my hole studio is moving downstairs.
Crocheted Wolf
The crocheted Wolf is growing slow. Edwin helped me making the inside frame which give the Wolf strongest and shape.
New Wolf-project
I started a new 'Wolf-project'. I will crochet the Wolf and the Red Hoods will be made of ceramics.
Kunstlijn 2010
The open studio weekend of Haarlem, November 5-6-7
I will be showing work at: de Vishal, ArtUnit#1, ArtUnit#2 and de School.
This month in ArtUnit
I'm showing my newest work in ArtUnit this month.
Pre-view open studio weekend in ‘de Vishal’
From Oktober 23 until November 7
Riding the Wolf
I decided to flock 'Riding the Wolf'.
A lot of work finished.
Working with ceramics quite different than I used to do. A lot of time goes by to let the clay dry and then....suddenly several works are finished.
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