Touched by the Wolf
After my little kiln disaster, I finish this work anyway. The result is a bit different as planned, but accidents can give nice surprises.
Exhibition and party ‘5 year Ateliers 195-197’
All artist who exhibited at the gallery the last 5 years made a special artwork by the measures of 5x5x5cm. The exhibition started with a 'five year annual party'.
Something went terribly wrong in the killn
Because of the big bang in the killn, which toke away half the cape. I had to re-think how to finish this piece.
Tomorrow the glaze will be fired. If everything goes right this time, I will cover not only the face, arm and legs with hair. The cape will be half hairy as well.
It will take a few weeks before I can fire this work. In the meanwhile I will finish the Wolf's body.
Riding the Wolf
Riding the Wolf almost ready for firing.
New sculpture in ceramics
Touched by the Wolf.
She will have to dry for some time. After firing I will cover her face, hands and legs with hair.
Save House
My next ceramic work combined with human hair is finished. It was an adventure using glaziers for making the drawings on the tower.
Save House
The ceramic tower is coming to it's finish. Now I'm testing how to finish the lower pieces.
Standing to dry.
This work will be made in combination of ceramics and hair.
New ceramic work.
Home sweet Home combined in ceramics and hair.
Zwervende Tentoonstelling#15
Zwervende Tentoonstelling#15@Koetshuis 100x100
Op vrijdag 4, zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 juni vindt de vijftiende aflevering van de Zwervende Tentoonstelling plaats in het oude koetshuis in het Zocherpark (bij de Euromast). Op deze prachtige locatie is de (verkoop)tentoonstelling ‘100 x 100’ te zien in een kamer achter de oude paardenstal: 100 kleine werken met een prijs van € 100,00 van bijna 100 kunstenaars, waaronder Caro Bensca, Holger Bunk, Leo Divendal, Henri Jacobs, Kiki Lamers en Frank Mandersloot. Op zolder bevindt zich een werk van Karin van Dam. In de woonkamer aan het park kunt u zich laten portretteren: op zaterdag 5 juni door fotograaf Rince de Jong en op zondag 6 juni door fotograaf Nino Purtskhvanidze. Ook tijdens de opening op vrijdag kunt u zich door Nino Purtskhvanidze laten vereeuwigen. Voor € 10,00 wordt ter plekke een print gemaakt.
Opening: vrijdag 4 juni 17 – 20 uur
Openingstijden: zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 juni van 14 – 18 uur
Baden Powelllaan 14
3016 GJ Rotterdam
It was a nice opening, lots of works were sold and because of the great weather, we ended the day with a picnic in the parc with friends.
I decorated 'Rapunzel' with ordinary paint and gave her a long braid of hair. This work is a first try-out with ceramics combined with hair.
My first ceramics fired in my kiln.
‘Haar’ Huis
I fulfilled a promise after to many years.
About four years ago someone send me her long hair, after cutting it. I find this action so nice I promised to make her something nice out of it. Because a million of reasons I never came to finish it and the half done work was staring at me from time to time. I wanted to make her something very special; a small piece of jewelry, filled with her own hair. But I'm not a jewelry maker and didn't find the piece I tried to make good enough. At last I came to the conclusion that if I want to give somebody a special work I just have to make a real 'Me'. So I made 'Haar' Huis. I like it!
A lot of work was ready or almost ready, but needed to be documented. Edwin & I started to photograph all the new works. Check out work 2010.
Playing with drawings.
I testing to do something different with the simple sketches I always make. I start with the pencil sketch, make a transfer with ink. Than I make a scan of this drawing, witch a print on rice paper. At least I color the print.
Actually I want to try to work with etching materials. That will be my next step.
R’s Escape & Here comes Dolly, in Haarlem
From April 6 - April 27 at Els Hillenius in Haarlem
The work couldn't hang in the show at the city hall of Haarlem because of technical reasons, so we made it 'a trigger piece' in the shop street of Haarlem. This is the third time this work is on show. Super that each show is so different.
Kiss of the Wolf
I find a tittle for the cape I'm working on; 'Kiss of the Wolf'. The work is about the thin line between seduction/victim and seducer, about the both sides of it we all have.
The work is almost finished. Now I have to solve the problem of presenting it. How I have to hang- or put down the work.
Hautnah in Leonberg.
The exhibition Hautnah is in Galerieverein Leonberg in Germany. It will run from March 14 until April 25.
Work in progress; Cape
No title yet, but the work is about both sides of seduction, who is the 'seducer' and who is the 'innocent or fictim'. This work is based on the fairytail 'Little Red-ridinghood'. The outside of the cape, about the innocent girl is ready. Now I'm working on the inside cape which represents the 'wolf'.
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