Opening exhibition Dominikanerkirche Osnabrück
Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche
KörperKünstlich Part 2
I'm one of the participants of the show 'KörperKünstlich Part 2' which runs from September 7 until November 23 in the Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche in Osnabrück, Germany.
"Nieuwe plastische formuleringen van het mensbeeld"
Er bestond de afgelopen jaren nauwelijks een kunstvorm die zo haar grenzen heeft verkend als de sculptuur. Dit proces voltrok zich ook in samenhang met het uitgebreidere sculptuurbegrip van eind jaren ´60.
Nieuwe originele en eigenwijze artistieke visies binnen de plastische kunst hebben zich afgelopen jaren in allerlei verschillende verschijningsvormen gepresenteerd. Ze hebben bij het publiek verbazing opgeroepen en vragen geprovoceerd, omdat de kunstenaars in hun recente werken de aandacht op de tegenstellingen van de moderne prestatiemaatschappij en haar comsumptiecultuur richten en daardoor politieke en maatschappelijke verwerpingen tot thema maken.
Huidige artistieke trends binnen de figuratieve objectkunst laten nu echter meer dan provocerende statements zien. Primair verwijzen ze naar een veranderde relatie tussen lichaamsbeeld en lichaamswaarneming in een tijd waarin lichaamsidealen en lichaamssuperlatieven in de media en in de maatschappij een zeer bepalende rol spelen.
De expositie "KunstKörperlich – KörperKünstlich Part 2” (7 september tot 23 november) heeft als thema lichaamsenscenering, lichaamstransformatie, lichaamsmanipulatie en lichaamsmechanisering en roept vragen op met betrekking tot het waargenomen worden in een globale maatschappij en het daarmee verbonden trashige, tragische, androgyne en onmetelijke.
In Part 2 van "KunstKörperlich – KörperKünstlich" presenteren wederom internationale kunstenaars hun werk. Onder hen: Amador (E), Frank Fierke (D), Jörg Immendorff (D), Jay Mark Johnson (USA), George Lappas (GR), Chen Lei (CN), Claudia Liekam (D), Feng Lu (CN), Marilène Oliver (GB), Mark Quinn (GB), Chrystl Rijkeboer (NL), Ralf Rose (D), Johanna Schweizer (NL), Deborah Sengl (A), Kim Simonsson (FIN), Carolein Smit (NL), Cony Theis (D).
The third button.
After a short break I picked up the 'Button project". I made Fritszke of her own (felted) hair.
The second picture is embroided.
My grandmother will be on the second button.
This is the portrait of my grandmother. Her big bun, surrounded with a braid and the little forelock was typical for her looks.
Buttons project
‘Buttons’ is a new project in progress of art group ‘010 Sieraad’. It will grow to be a worldwide show with more the one thousand buttons. The ‘pilot show’ will be in the historical museum of Rotterdam; het Schielandhuis. For this show approx. 30 artists; jewel makers, visual artist, designers, writers and philosophers, will devise and create a button.
I am invited to be one of these artists. My idea is 'waiting in a drawer' for years all ready and with the concept of a button all pieces fell together. I wanted to create ‘mourning jewels’, based on the ones made with human hair in the Victorian time, for a long time. We are supposed to make three buttons. I (almost) finished my first button.
No.1: I designed a button as one I would like to be remembered myself. I used my fingerprint as a basis. Normal we talk about the footprint we leave on this planet, I rather leave a fingerprint, which is more positive in my point of view. I see a footprint for what we destroy on this planet and a fingerprint for what we created. I embroider my fingerprint with my own hair on a background of name labels, which I use to 'sign' my work with.
No. 2: I will embroider a part of the portrait of my grandmother, as a loving memory of her. Her big bun, surrounded with a braid was typical for her looks.
No. 3: I will make a portrait button of- and with the hair of Fritszke, our cat, who died a year ago.
Family tree
The 'family tree' s getting it's shape.
The 'nest-boxes' are knitted with different colors of human hair, speaking for the different genes mixing together into a new family.
Opening ‘R’s Escape’.
The show will run from June 8th until November 24th 2008.
Ruïne van Brederode, Velserendlaan 2, 2082 LA Santpoort.
Kunstenaarsduo Startel (Jan Starken & Mark Schotel) organiseert in Hotel Winston in Amsterdam de groepstentoonstelling 'Wonderwall' en openen een vijftal nieuwe kunst hotelkamers onder de titel 'It's a wonderfull life'.
Wonderwall is een fototentoonstelling op een 18 meter lange muur in Hotel Winston, te Amsterdam. De foto’s zijn gemaild door 62 kunstenaars op het thema Wonderwall.
Startel heeft een selectie gemaakt en de tentoonstelling vorm gegeven. Dit ontwerp is in zijn geheel gedrukt en als behang op de muur van het hotel geplaatst.
Deelnemers Wonderwall:
Roland Berning - Eduard Bezembinder - Evelien van den Bogaert - Chloe - Yoshina Davelaar -Hilde de Decker - Herma Deenen - Gerrit van Dijk - Karni Dorell - Femke Egas - Adam Etmanski - Bert Feddema - Pietsjanke Fokkema - Frans Franciscus - Mitsy Groenendijk - Cristina Guerreiro -Melle Hammer - Jennifer Hoes - Arja Hop - Mariel Kampshof - Pim Kersten - Vincent de Kooker - Bettina Kreb - Ewa Kuras - Birgit Laken - Jacqueline Lamme - Anke Land - Raphael Langmair -Pepijn Leupen - Cindy Malon - Nici - Ted Oonk - Helma Pantus - Erzsi Pennings - Pier Pennings – Jolanda Prinsen – Jennifer Protas - Marja van Putten - Sanna van Renesse - Chrystl Rijkeboer - Melanie Rijkers - Denise Rosenboom – Francisca Rosner - Angela Scholten - Luuk Schroder – Paul Smit - Janine Spoelman - Startel - Henk Stoffels - Eric van Straaten – Gina Tinte - Caspar Veeger - Frans Vendel - Paul Vendel - Rob Verf - Wim Vonk - Moniek Voulon - Julia Wlodkowski.
Geselecteerde deelnemers voor It’s a wonderful life:
Kamer 203 - Happy Famous Artists - Kamer 204 - Marnix Goossens - Kamer 206 - Roos van Soes - Kamer 208 - Helmut Dick - Kamer 214 - Itie Langeland.
‘R’s escape’
Installing the work at the ruin of Brederode.
Family Ties - Cees & Ronja
After a break of a year, at last I finished my series 'Family Ties'.
With special thanks to Cees & Ronja Loogman, who where prepared to be my models again. I started the hole series with of a photo of the two of them. The only photo I didn't use in the definite series because it was the first idea and therefore so different from the other photos.
And with great thanks to hair and make-up artist Harold Mertens and photographer Edwin Roelofs.
Exhibition ‘Tijd Slijt’ at the castle of Brederode.
I'm asked to participate in the exhibition 'Tijd Slijt', subtitled ' Rooms with history'. Because the castle is mostly a ruin and the show will be there for six months I had to look for a kind of inside spot for my hair art. My concept is the romantic approach of; castles, knights and maids. These terms combined with my hair work brings me back to the fairy tails. I step into the world of 'Rapunzel', who was locked up in a tower. Her hair was the only way up to come into- and leave the tower. My plan is to crochet a rope ladder of human hair, which hangs out of a tower.
Twins-black & white.
At last I finished my 'Twin' project.
First try out for 'Escape'.
Identity ring
'Playing' with the identity theme in silver.
Ring with my social security number.
White bird ‘don’t cry’
'Rooodkapje' at Villa Zebra at the 'Beyond' building in Leidsche Rijn.
From Febr. 22 until April 17.
Rooodkapje is an interactieve exhibition about the fairytail 'Red-ridinghood' for children.
White bird
White bird for Machteld.
‘Kunst op kantoor’
From March3 until April7.
'Kunst op kantoor' or 'Art in the office' is a relay exhibition in the office of the council of culture of Haarlem, Chris van Velsen. Every artist chooses an other artist to show work for one month.
Black birds
Figure and crows made from papier-mâché, connected to each other by glass tears.
Black birds are about grief and mourning.
The working title of this sculpture is 'Birdman'.
a Crochet head with crow, stuffed with a soft filling. The way the sculpture is made feels like a stuffed toy, but also refer to a marble Roman death-portrait. This work is an 'in memoriam' for my sisters husband who died recently.
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