Black birds
Installation ‘Sisters’
Installation 'Sisters' (sculpture and video) in medieval cellar in Haarlem.
Kunstmaand Ameland 2007
Show in the cityhall of Ballum.
Installation Sisters
Today I will build my Sister installation at 'the Woonkelder' in Haarlem. This shop has a great medieval cellar in which I will show the installation during the art-route weekend 'the Kunstlijn'.
Avatar in monthly slide show Denver.
’ De kleine Vishal gaat groot’
This group show is 'an appendix' from the window show I had in Haarlem in January.
'Sisters' are "taking" shape more and more.
Summer exhibition Alkmaar.
"Als man en vrouw schiep hij hen"
Perfect Strangers in the summer exhibition in the 'Grote Kerk' in Alkmaar.
The show runs from July 6 until September 2.
Family ties No.4
Photo shoot of Ellen & Ryan Trenning.
Family ties No.3
Photo shoot Imre, Niena and Roos Smaling.
I have to sort out all the photos, this is a digital test.
Started a new knittingproject named 'Sisters'.
Milan furniture fair 2007
'Onschuld IV' is showing at 'Le Centre Culturel Francais de Milan'
Le Centre Culturel Francais de Milan
Eden / ADN- genetic design
Corso Magenta 63
20123 Milano
9.00 a.m. - 8.00 p.m.
Peter & Mick posed with the 'Twin' work for me for a try-out.
'Twins' isn't speacking about external similarity, but about the inner equality.
These 'Twins' are soulmates.
Test photo Imre and her daughter(s)
Imre will be photographed connected with her two daughters. Today one wasn't there, so we faked one. But this is how the photo approx. will be.
Second photoday, Peter & Mick.
Today we made the 'hart to hart photo', for "Family ties". Models of today are Peter and his son Mick.
The last photo is a computer try-out of the project.
First photo day ’ Family ties”
Today we made the first photo for my project 'Family ties'. In the project I will be working together with my boyfriend Edwin Roelofs, who is photographer. My very close friend and great teacher of working with hair, Harold Mertens, make-up and hair artist. And Cees & Ronja, husband and daughter of my friend Carina, who will be my models for this picture.
New project ‘Family ties’.
This project is called 'Family ties', a project about parents and children.
It is about emotions involving unconditional love and trust versus rejecting and the will to be free.
Learning new skills.
For my project 'Family ties' I had to learn to make hair patches which seem to grow on various parts of the body. So Harold, a friend of mine who is a hair- and make-up artist, taught me how to make real wig/hair pieces.
This technique opens a lot of possibilities for other works. I made some funny jewellery pieces as well. This ring is made from my boyfriend Edwin's hair. Because the hair is put in the tulle, the ring can get wet and therefore be worn casually.
‘Kleine Vishal’ by night.
Grote Markt Haarlem.
‘Grey man resting’ in the window of the Vishal, Haarlem
From January 23 until February 13.
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